Flu season is here. No matter where you go it seems somebody’s coughing and sneezing. Your children might bring it home from school or you could pick it up at work. Either way, avoiding colds and the flu can be difficult this time of year.
So how do you protect yourself? Health officials recommend getting a yearly flu shot and they also encourage everyone to protect themselves with one historically successful tactic, wash your hands, thoroughly and often. That may be the single best way to stop the spread of disease. If you’re unable to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer after coming into contact with suspect surfaces (door handles, ATM machines, telephones etc…).
Here are additional tips and strategies for avoiding the flu, or any germs, for that matter:
1) Disinfect spaces that frequently harbor germs such as the sink, remote controls, countertops, telephones, children’s toys, and doorknobs as these are frequent landing sites for bacteria and viruses.
2) Disinfect your desktop, computer keyboard and other office equipment often.
3) Replace kitchen sponges frequently. You can also run them through the dishwasher to eliminate microbes.
4) Disinfect dust rags, dish rags, mops and other cleaning tools regularly so that you are eliminating germs and not just relocating them.
Keep winter illnesses at bay and out of your home by keeping your home as germ-free as possible.